Six Rules to Make People Like You
Rule 1. Become genuinely interested in other people
If you want other people to like you, you must become interested in them. If someone is taking their time to talk to you about their life, be interested. That means that you mean something to them. A lot of people tend to keep their problems to themselves. I know for a fact that I would want someone to show interest when I am talking to them about something. When people notice that you are interested in what they say, they will like you more. It shows that you care about what they say. People will like to talk to you and not get bored because you have good communication skills. This will also show that your listening skills are good as well. A quote that I found says "Surround yourself with people who talk about visions and ideas, not other people." This quote is saying that if the people you are hanging out with talk bad about other people, are they the people you want to be associating with? Be with people that will listen to your story and help you make it better not bring you down. I will apply this rule by having an interest in what people say. I will be a good listener and make sure my friends know that I care about what they have to say.
Rule 2. Smile
Rule 3. Remember names
If you want people to like you then you will remember their names. When you meet someone for the first time, you introduce yourself and the first thing you tell them is your name. This will help when you need to ask them for help on something or just want to hang out. A person's name is how you will be able to find them throughout the world. Without knowing the name of someone then you won't be able to get that help that you need. Maybe when someone mentions a person's name, so many memories come back into mind from back then when you guys would hang out. Your name is also how you will go on with life. If you do something good that affects the whole city, everyone will remember who you are. When they see you around, a big smile will appear on their face because they know the change you did in the world. Some ways for you to try to remember people's names are by concentrating on what the person is talking about. When they tell you their name make sure to be paying attention so you won't miss it and have to ask the person again. Another example would be to repeat the name 2-3 times in your head just so that it really sticks in your brain and you won't forget later on.
Rule 4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves
To get people to like you, you must be a good listener. You gotta show the other person that you know how to pay attention to what they have to say. When they are talking about something, you make eye contact with them to show that they have your attention. If you have to say something, let them finish what have to say and then talk after them. If you interrupt them while they are speaking then that's being rude. Show that they have all of your attention because who knows, maybe it's your teacher talking and then she asks you a question to make sure you were paying attention to her lecture. If someone knows that you aren't a good listener then they won't want to take the time to talk to you because they will feel like you don't care. By showing them that you know how to pay attention and care about what they say, they will like you more than when you aren't paying attention. To encourage others to talk about themselves is to make sure they have a high self-esteem. No matter what rude comments people might say about them, they keep their head high and go on with life. They can speak highly about themselves because that's how they feel. They know they are smart, or pretty, or nice because that's what they want to be.
Rule 5. Talk in terms of the other man's interest
By talking in terms of the other man's interest, it shows that you care about their likes and dislikes. It's a way of respect towards them because the other person will know that you listen to what they have to talk about. Even if you don't find it interesting, don't just talk about your interest towards something. You have to give the other person a chance to talk about themselves and the things they find interesting to the things they don't find interesting. When that person is speaking, show that they have all your attention and ask questions if you have to, just to show that you are interested in what he/she is saying. When you take the effort to find out what interests the other person, the reward will be an enlargement of your life each time you speak to someone. The more people will like you when they know that you actually want to know their likes, dislikes, values etc. You take the time to listen and pay attention to what they have to say and that's being respectful. If you both have something that interests you in common, then mention it. The other person would like that you go along with the conversation and see any similarities and differences in each other.
Rule 6. Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely
What this rule is saying is to always make someone feel like they are important no matter what. No one in their life ever wants to feel like they're unwanted. That makes someone feel bad about themselves because then they stay up in the middle of the night wanting to be like someone they're not. They will feel insecure about themselves, start dressing and speaking differently as well. I know that if someone didn't make me feel important then I would be hurt because everyone in life wants to mean something to someone. Whether it's your family or friends or people you work with or go to school with. No one should ever go through the fact that someone doesn't want them so they need to change their whole appearance. We should show respect towards them. Show that no matter what flaws they may have, they are perfect the way they are. We can also treat them how I would want to be treated or how I would treat my mom. If you go out and constantly be mean to everyone and give them attitude, then they are going to do the same thing back to you. When you're walking to the store or walking to your classroom, smile at the people passing by. That will make them happy because even though you don't know who they are, you made them feel like you care.
I will use these thoughts on my overall daily life because it will help me when I want to get to know them. I will make sure I use these 6 ways when I first want to talk to someone and show them that I care. I will always walk around with a smile on my face and not give a face to someone I don't know. If someone is talking to me I will give them my full attention and show that I am listening to them. These 6 ways have gave me more confidence because I don't need to be afraid when I go up to talk to someone I've never talked to. This will also help me when I am getting interviewed for a job or talking to my teachers about extra credit or how to do the work. I will show the other person that I am interested in what they have to say or talk to me about. I will give them my undivided attention (as said by teachers here at school) and ask them questions if I have any. I will always smile when another person is looking at me, to be friendly. I will also encourage other people to talk about themselves and have that confidence.
Rule 2. Smile
Rule 3. Remember names

Rule 4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves

Rule 5. Talk in terms of the other man's interest

Rule 6. Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely


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