The Six Attitudes of High Achievers
1. Make no small plans: Plan Big

Why settle for less when you can settle for more? When it comes to making a plan about your future, make a big plan. Plan big on what you want to do, what college you want to go to etc. Have a big plan so that later on in the future, you don't get stuck having to think about what you're going to do. You will be ready and set because you planned ahead of time. You basically have your whole life planned out. You just gotta stick to it. You have to stay committed and follow the dreams you want to achieve. If you keep on going, you will make it far. If you fall down once and decide to stay down, where will you go? Learn from that mistake you did, and let it shape you to the person you want to be. Let the consequences teach you a lesson and you continue going. Like my quote says "If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail." This is saying that if you don't have a plan set for yourself, the you don't know what you want to do in life. You're just going to go where the wind takes you. What if the wind takes you down the bad road? How will you get the future that you want while doing drugs, drinking, stealing etc.? That's why it's better to have a plan, so you know exactly what you want to achieve. In order for me to achieve this attitude of high achievers, I will start to make a plan of my future and have a mindset of what I will accomplish in life. I will make my future with the plan I have set for myself. Whether it's to become an RN, or a Psychologists, or a teacher, I will know what I want to do as soon as I make a plan for myself.
2. Do what they Fear

High achievers do what they fear. Once you conquer your fears, then fear is nothing to you. You feel like you are able to do anything in the world because you are not afraid to do what scares you the most. Someone somewhere right now is jumping off a cliff or going skydiving because it's what fears them the most. For example, there was a man that jumped from a plane, 25,000 feet up, and landed on a net on the floor. As he jumped he used no parachute. How many people do you know will go out and do that right this second? I know I probably would chicken out and say "Heck No!" Everyone in life will be afraid of something. Me, for example, am afraid to speak out or present in front of an audience. I will go up and turn red and lose my train of thought and keep saying "umm." I know sooner or later I will conquer that fear. One day I'm going to go up and speak like nothing is wrong. For me it all takes time. I can also go out and do the unthinkable like climb Mount Everest or jump off from a tall building, I don't know. Another one of my fears were roller coasters. I hated them so much that I never like to even look at them because I would start to feel sick. One day I went with my friend to SIx Flags and they made me get on all the rides over there. After I got off, I was like "Wow! That was really fun!" The point is that once you get over the fear that you have, you won't be afraid to do anything. You will feel INVINCIBLE!
3. Willing to Prepare
If people have a goal they would like to achieve when they get older, they will make a plan and prepare for it. For anyone that wants to be successful with their future, they will have a prepare on how to accomplish that goal. For example you must know what you will be doing during high school to get the grades, what college you are going to, how long do you plan on staying there etc. The future starts when you prepare for it. If you don't prepare then you don't have a future. No preparation for a future is like a boat without a sail. If you don't have a sail, then you are going where the wind takes you. That wind can take you somewhere that is good or take you somewhere that is bad. Same thing when you prepare. If you are not any types of prepared or at least somewhat prepared, then how you will get there? There's no future. For example you can say that you're going to throw your mom a birthday party, but then you don't prepare for it, how is it going to happen. Months go by and it's her birthday and it's like well what happened to the party. You have to tell them you didn't get to preparing for it because something came up. You just put the idea out there but never really planned for it and made it happen. Don't let that be the case with you. A plan leads to a successful future for you and all your dreams accomplished. Make sure to stick with your word and go for it. Don't let other people with no plan distract you from yours.
4. Willing to Risk Failure
High achievers are willing to risk failure. Everyone in there life will win and lose. We have to learn not to let the failure part get in the way. If we fail and let the failure get into our head, then we won't succeed in life. Everyone must know to learn from your mistakes. Let that lesson teach you how to be better for future businesses or anything in life. If you fall get back up again and do it again. NEVER GIVE UP! If you don't try something new in your life because you're afraid of failure, then how will you get anything done. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. He was fighting for the equality and freedom of all blacks. Even when he knew the whites wouldn't listen to him and the blacks were still going to be discriminated against, he never gave up. He fought on to try to get the freedom for all blacks. A quote from Dr. Martin Luther King is "We must accept infinite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope." By him saying this, he means that no matter how much disappointment they get, they will never give up and always have hope. He will reach his goal to get the freedom for blacks. He wants for his kids and everyone for one day not get judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
5. Teachable
High achievers are teachable. They are willing to understand the assignment and help other kids that need help and don't get what they have to do. They aren't afraid to get out thee and make new friends. They are able to go in front of the classroom and teach the whole class if they were able to. They have the ability to learn and and then after they get it, they can go and teach their classmates or parents etc. They can tell the whole wide world the new things that they learned in school. For example in 1st grade when the teacher is teaching the kids to count from 0-10. If the teacher sees that one student know the method on how to get their then she and/or he will send the kid to help another classmate that is struggling with the math. That's someone who is teachable. He and/or she is able to explain what they learned to someone else with no problem. They can be a mini teacher for all the other student as well. In the picture I have chosen, it states "Be TEACHABLE. open your mind, learn and grow. The more you listen, the more you know." This talks about how if you have the ability to be open minded, then you will be able to learn anything. The more that you go out and learn, the more things you will know for later on in the future. Knowing more things will help you grow as well. For example, when you go to college and study really hard on the bones and muscles to become a Doctor, it will pay off for when you are helping a patient. All the other people that didn't take the time to study will be confused. That's when you know that you had the time to open your mind, learn and grow.
6. Have Heart
High achievers have a heart. No matter what problems they might be going through, they still manage to keep a smile on their face. They always want to help when someone isn't feeling good or they're feeling sad. They can be going through many problems themselves but will still be there for you. If they see someone in need of help with grocery, they won't hesitate to walk over to them and offer to help them take it. They will always want to do good in life and never bad. They will choose the right when it comes to something. If they see trash or a bottle on the floor, they don't wait for someone to tell them to pick it up. They will pick it up themselves and throw it away because it's the right thing to do. Another example would be when they volunteer at a hospital or a can food drive. They want to help out and show that they actually want to be a part of their community. Being involved is a way to show that you have a heart because it shows to other people that you care about making the world a better place. Don't hesitate to do good. "The real beauty of someone is one with a good heart." This quote is saying that it doesn't matter about your insecurities that you might have, if you don't have a good heart then people won't like you.